6 research outputs found

    Secretory immune system of saliva in irritable bowel syndrome on children

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    Background. It is known there are links between irritable bowel syndrome and development of allergy, between irritable bowel syndrome and hypoergical immunological reactions. On the other side, there is link between irritable bowel syndrome and non adequate activation of the mucosal immune system as the result of cytokin s dysbalance. That is why we investigated the secretory immune system of saliva in children with irritable bowel syndrome. The purpose of this study was to determine secretory immune system of saliva on children with different forms of irritable bowel syndrome. Methods. 102 children with irritable bowel syndrome were examined. The level of the immunoglobulins (slgA, IgA, IgG, IgM, IgE, lgG1-4), the concentration of TN F-a and lactoferrin, the total activity of the complement system (CH50) and its components (C1-C5) were obtained in the saliva. Results. It was revealed secretory immune system of saliva in children with irritable bowel syndrome was significantly differed from its of healthy children. The level of IgA, IgM in the saliva of children with irritable bowel syndrome was less than in healthy children, however, the level of IgG t-4, IgE in the saliva was significantly higher. The prevalence of the food allergy (atopy history and clinical symptoms) in children with irritable bowel syndrome was 42.2% and was differed from prevalence of the food allergy in population. Perhaps, this fact confirms the IgE-depending pathway of the irritable bowel syndrome. The saliva s level of the total activity of the complement system (CH50) and its components (C1-C5) and the concentration of TN F-a was decreased on children with irritable bowel syndrome. Also it was determined the increasing of the saliva s level of slgA, IgA, IgG, IgM, lgG1-4 was typical for the irritable bowel syndrome with abdominal pain and meteorism. The levels of some of these immune proteins in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea or obstipation were decreased. Conclusion Thus, these peculiarities of the secretory immunity of saliva in irritable bowel syndrome are dysregulating troubles. This fact confirms mucosal immune system takes part in development of the irritable bowel syndrome.В работе изучается характер изменений показателей секреторного иммунитета слюны у детей с синдромом раздраженного кишечника (СРК) в связи с предполагаемой связью СРК с формированием аллергии, с наличием гипзргических иммунологических реакций и напротив, с неадекватной активацией мукозальной иммунной системы в результате нарушения цитокинергической регуляции. Для проведения исследования секреторного иммунитета слюны обследовано 102 ребенка с СРК. В слюне определялось: количество иммуноглобулинов А, М. G, подклассы lg G1-4, количество slgA и IgE, активность СН50 и компонентов комплемента С1-С5, количество лактоферрина и туморнекротичский фактор TNF-a. Показатели секреторного иммунитета слюны у детей с синдромом раздраженного кишечника значительно отличаются от параметров здоровых детей. В общей группе больных детей с СРК отмечается снижение иммуноглобулинов lg A, lg М, тогда как количество IgG. Субклассов lg G1-4, IgE значительно и достоверно повышено. Происходит снижение активности отдельных компонентов комплемента и TNF-a. т.е. флогогенных факторов. Изменения показателей секреторного иммунитета слюны при синдроме раздраженного кишечника относятся к дизрегуляторным нарушениям и могут свидетельствовать об участии мукозального иммунитета в формировании данной дисфункции кишечника

    The effect of tilorone on the cytoimmunological parameters of induced sputum and on the frequency of asthma exacerbations caused by respiratory viral infection

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    The abilities of tilorone to modulate an inflammatory response in acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and proofs of its clinical efficacy were the basis for investigating the effect of tilorone (Amixin) on the cytoimmunological parameters of induced sputum and on the frequency of asthma exacerbations caused by respiratory viral infection in children.Objective: to evaluate the clinical course of the disease and the cellular composition and immunological indices of induced sputum in children with an asthma exacerbation in the presence of the acute respiratory disease on addition of Amixin to standard basic therapy. Thirty children aged 7 to 16 years with an asthma exacerbation in the presence of ARVI were examined. Pharyngeal and nasal swabs were tested by PCR forrespiratory viruses; externalrespiratory function was determined before and after a pharmacological test; and nasal secretions and induced sputum were also cytologically investigated. A follow-up group (n=19) received treatment with Amixin according to the regimen.The predominant inflammatory phenotype in children with an asthma exacerbation in the presence of ARVI was ascertained to be neutrophilic (53.9%). Pathogen identification revealed rhinovirus in two-thirds of cases. Addition of tilorone (Amixin) to standard basic therapy for an asthma exacerbation caused by ARVI declined the number of recurrent ARVIs over the next 6 weeks; the number of bacterial complications did reduce that of asthma exacerbations if the latter occurred. The children treated with Amixin showed elevated levels of macrophages, reduced concentrations of eosinophils and IL-8, IL-1β in the induced sputum, and improved spirometric parameters reflecting permeability at the level of small and medium-sized bronchi

    The problem of predisposition to diseases: classic approaches and modern technologies

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    The article is devoted to urgent pediatric problem of comparing traditional and innovative approaches to the study of predisposition to diseases. It is noted that in the era of the formation of personalized pediatrics, along with the introduction of the latest diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, it is important to take into account the classic achievements, including those associated with the ideology of diathesis developed in the Russian pediatrics – concepts of hereditary predispositions. The article contains data on changing classification of diathesis. Within the framework of the 4P medical paradigm and, first of all, personalized medicine, the authors discuss molecular genetic and other high-tech potential methods of the disease risk assessment. Based on the concept of the space-time bioecological continuum of transitional health states, in particular, using the example of the atopic march, the authors consider the approaches to multi-level research, adaptation mechanisms and their breakdowns, and possible development of appropriate prognostic biomarkers. Using the example of biophenotypes of bronchial asthma and variants of manifestations of disenergetic states, the authors pay their attention to the importance of identifying the individual characteristics of pathological processes in children. The authors have concluded that the main task of personalized pediatrics is the development of methodology used for designing a personal health management program based on the principles of a new strategy for diagnosing, monitoring and controlling individual (including genomic) health, with the formation of a genetic passports for each child